Bibliometrics in the evaluation of scientific activity


  • Vicente Tomás-Górriz Universidad de Valencia, Departamento de Toxicología, Burjassot
  • Vicente Tomás-Casterá Centro de Salud Pública de la Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública, Alzira



Bibliometrics, Bibliometric Indicators, Researcher Performance Evaluation Systems, Publishing, Research


The analysis and assessment of information and knowledge resulting of scientific activity is an essential for all public research, technology and development programs which are implemented in a society; and this is where the Science of Information provides an invaluable help, by developing techniques and instruments to measure the production of knowledge and its transformation into goods.

The quantification of publications is the basic element of most of the bibliometric studies, meanwhile the one of the quotations can be used directly as a measure of the repercussion or importance of a publication, or of the publications of a person, institution or country. The reference and quotations become, in this way, in the raw material of the bibliometrics. However, they must be treated with care. The quantification of publications is not bias-free.

This paper analyses the different approaches to the assessment of research from a science-metric perspective. And, in consequence, given the repercussions that bibliometric evaluations have on the allocation of funds for research and even the accreditation and professional promotion of researchers, it is necessary to know very well the particularities and limitations that its use entails.


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How to Cite

Tomás-Górriz, V., & Tomás-Casterá, V. (2018). Bibliometrics in the evaluation of scientific activity. Hospital a Domicilio, 2(4), 145–163.



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