Multimodal epidural analgesia in acute arterial ischemia


  • Álvaro Fuentes Merlos Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante
  • Dionís Liñán-Bodí Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, Unidad de Hospitalización a Domicilio, Sant Joan d’Alacant
  • Rosa Palacios-Fort Centro de Salud Campello, Sant Joan d’Alacant
  • Rafael López-Bas Valero Centro de Salud Campello, Sant Joan d’Alacant



Arteria braquial, isquemia, dolor irruptivo.


Acute arterial ischemia (AAI) is a syndrome caused by the sudden interruption of the blood supply to a certain territory of the body, as a result of the sudden obstruction of the artery that supplies it. It can be accompanied by severe pain that does not respond to conventional analgesia. Multimodal epidural analgesia is the administration of a local anesthetic with an opioid into the epidural space to keep the individual pain free. The use of a multimodal technique reduces the incidence and severity of physiological disorders caused by acute pain. We present a case of a patient admitted to the Home Hospitalization Unit for evolutionary control and pain management due to an AAI in the left upper limb. After intervention, a multimodal epidural analgesia with fentanyl and bupivacaine was performed with complete improvement of the same and without clinical incidences.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Fuentes Merlos, Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante

España. Médico Interno Residente de Médicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante


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How to Cite

Fuentes Merlos, Álvaro, Liñán-Bodí, D., Palacios-Fort, R., & López-Bas Valero, R. (2021). Multimodal epidural analgesia in acute arterial ischemia. Hospital a Domicilio, 5(3), 161–166.



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